Now, she can say "ma meh", which means mummy and sometimes, she will call me "ma ma" and she's very good in saying "pa pa" and "mom mom". "Mom mom" means eat... :P Whenever she refused to sit on the high chair, I would tell her, mummy give "mom mom".. Only then, she would readily sit down.
My grandma calls her "bao bei" and this weekend, we were all so surprised that she had learnt to say "bao bei a a a"!!
My grandma and my parents had also taught her how to wave good bye:) Whenever my mum says "bye bye!" and little bao bei will start waving her hand exciting... Haha... She's so funny!
Now, she had also learnt that to get down from the bed or sofa, she needs to get her legs down first... First, she would find a target: someone sitting on the bed or sofa... Next, she would go to that person, hold on to that someone, and "ta ra"! Down she goes!
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