I thought that baby is a rather fast learner:) And i am glad that she still loves reading and she will always pass me a book sitting nearby and would then move on to sit on my lap without hesitation, signalling me to read to her.
She now loves to behave like us and would sit down comfortably on the sofa by herself and watch tv. Baby knows what a remote control does, and will scream unhappily if her remote control doesn't change the tv programme, whereas ours can!! Hahaha... We just took out the batt for her...
She understands that when we say "Keep", it means that we want her to keep the toys into the bag or basket, and she will help to keep. But next moment, she will start to pour out all the things that we had kept... **Faint** She loves keeping and taking out toys ... And when we says "give", she will give us what is in her hands... If i say "No!" she will starts to cry, cos it means she had to stop whatever she is doing! What a funny baby:)
Other words she can now understand are: no more, come, "meimei" (she is pretty), "ta! / beat", kiss, bye bye (she will start to wave goodbye), "ten kiss" (she will kiss goodbye), hold hand, sit, wait, book, water (drink water), "na gao gao" (hold higher) ...
Baby can understand what we try to tell her now and always try to imitate us and repeat the words that we said to her. :P
She will kick the water and try to push the water with her hands, so that she can swim in the pool. I told her that she can only move if she starts kicking, otherwise she will remain stationed to the same spot! i think she can understand me, as she will start to kick the water when i told her that... She's really a water baby...
Words that baby can now say: daddy, mummy, didi, ma (it means ah ma), Na! (it means give u), puppy (her new toy), ah yi (my nieces), Orh oh (it means oh no), "zai si" (hokkien for wanna die??), mum mum (eat).